Experience an exceptional stay in the great outdoors on one of our camping sites, with or without services.
Erected at the heart of the Boreal forest of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, on the shores of the Ashuapmushuan River, the Tourist site Chute à l'Ours offers you everything you need to experience a unique stay in an exceptional natural environment. As a family, as a couple, or with friends, enjoy a moment of relaxation and fall under the spell...of your true nature!
Again this year, we are spoiling you with a March Draw. By March 31st, complete your reservation for a 2022 stay in camping, cabin or motel and you could win a 275$ travel credit to spend here.
Through a partnership initiated by the Committee of seasonal campers, we are proud to offer a new on-site activity : kayak rental.
Have you heard about the giant bear which makes the Site touristique Chute à l’Ours famous? Discover this legend from the past that takes us back to the French colonization period in Quebec.
It is with great enthusiasm that we unveil our new visual identity.